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Dn Thomas Poothicote's Speech topic

"Peripheral Faith is the curse of  Christianity"
Dn Thomas Poothicote

Sugathakumari Teacher and Dn Thomas Poothicote

  Adv Jayashankar  and Dn Thomas Poothicote
The Kerala State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Workshop. A wonderful section with prominent figures like KESCPCR chairperson Neela Gangadharan IAS (Rt), Writer Leela Menon, Ernakulam Rural-SP SATEESH BINO IPS, Civil service officers, Writers and many other eminent personalities from different parts of India

Dn Thomas Poothicote's speech topic...

  It seems that now a days people have “NO FAITH IN FAITH”
CHRISTMAS MESSAGE By Dn Thomas Poothicote  “ I BRING YOU GOOD NEWS THAT WILL CAUSE GREAT JOY FOR ALL THE PEOPLE ” By the Grace of God we are approaching yet another Christmas. The day of blessing and joy. We celebrate Christmas as the remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of Almighty God. It is a festival of love. Love of God on His creation. Unfortunately now a day’s our Christmas becomes a peripheral celebration. Though most people flaunt love, there is no real love in their heart. Let me take you back to the time when Jesus was born. There we see some persons who are present near the manger, where infant Jesus was found . They are Mother Mary, Joseph the Righteous, Wise men from the East, and shepherds. Let’s see the unique qualities they have MOTHER MARY She was the most important person at the time of Jesus’ birth. When the Arch-angel Gabriel appeared to her and said she is going to become a mother. Actually it was shocking news, as we know that

Saint Peter, The Foundation Stone of the Christian Church (article )

+  Saint Peter, The Foundation Stone of the Christian Church  + "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God ." Saint Peter the Apostle We live in a time various Christian denominations differ on the doctrine of St. Peter as the foundation stone of the church and interpret Matthew 16:18 in different ways. In the three Gospel accounts, after asking about the views of "the multitudes", Jesus asks his disciples about their own opinion:  But who do you say that I am?  Only Simon Peter answers him:  You are the Christ, the Son of the living God . Only in Matthew 16:17 Jesus blesses Peter for his answer, and later indicates him as the rock of the Church. This begins with: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jonah: for flesh and blood has not revealed it to you, but my Father who is in heaven. In blessing Peter, Jesus not only accepts the titles Christ  and  Son of God  which Peter attributes to him, but declares the proclamation a divine revelation by stating that hi

Dn Thomas Poothicote

Dn Thomas Poothicote