Import of Bonfire as Part of the Christmas Service ( തീജ്വാല ശുശ്രൂഷ ) As part of the Syriac Orthodox liturgical rites on Christmas, preceding the Holy Eucharist, a unique service is conducted outside the church in an open space. This service - deeply entrenched in Biblical and theological symbolism - is performed at a burning fire or Bonfire within a cross-shaped pit. In the Orthodox tradition, there are many symbols to show the presence of God. ‘fire’ is one sign of the visible presence of God. In the Holy Bible, we find the word 'fire' used more than 550 times. While studying the scriptures, one may observe that God appeared before Moses in the form of Fire in the bush and as a flash of light on Mount Sinai (Exo. 3:3). At the liturgy of the Nativity, fire represents what Moses witnessed, which symbolically communicates to us the glory and magnificence of God. Light is that which removes darkness. Light signifies the Divine, while darkness implies evil. According to the Bi...
Fr Thomas K Poothicote