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Bonfire/തീജ്വാല ശുശ്രൂഷ

Import of Bonfire as Part of the Christmas Service (തീജ്വാല ശുശ്രൂഷ)

As part of the Syriac Orthodox liturgical rites on Christmas, preceding the Holy Eucharist, a unique service is conducted outside the church in an open space. This service - deeply entrenched in Biblical and theological symbolism - is performed at a burning fire or Bonfire within a cross-shaped pit.

In the Orthodox tradition, there are many symbols to show the presence of God. ‘fire’ is one sign of the visible presence of God.

In the Holy Bible, we find the word 'fire' used more than 550 times. While studying the scriptures, one may observe that God appeared before Moses in the form of Fire in the bush and as a flash of light on Mount Sinai (Exo. 3:3).

At the liturgy of the Nativity, fire represents what Moses witnessed, which symbolically communicates to us the glory and magnificence of God. Light is that which removes darkness. Light signifies the Divine, while darkness implies evil. According to the Bible, Jesus Christ is "the Light'' (John 1:9). That Light lit up over the people in darkness as a fulfilment of Isaiah's prophecy (Isa. 9:2). In Syriac Orthodox liturgical texts as well as within the Nicene Creed, Jesus is described as the "Light from the Light'' and that same light appeared in the world on Christmas day. Thus, we commemorate The Light throughout our prayers.

It's a wonder, the One who
Is clothed in flame took flesh
And He became man - for our salvation

(Hymn for the procession to the fire pit during Christmas Service)

When the people came to see infant Jesus in the manger at Bethlehem, they could see the very same Light of the same God who appeared before Moses at the burning bush, which urged them to adore Him along with the angels (Matt. 2:11).

This very event endorses the divinity of Christ Jesus. As His 'Incarnation' was a spiritual yet tangible event that happened in history once and for all, people of all generations must get a chance to experience it. Therefore, we, too, by way of this holy ritualistic service at Christmas, are allowed in the present time to witness the glory of God.

Finally, while the faithful place incense as an offering within the cross-shaped fire pit, the deacons recite the Hymn of the Angels (atyunnataṅṅaḷil svargīya mālākhamār). In unison with the forces of Heaven, using this ancient prayer, we praise the infant Jesus on the day of His birth. Subsequently, we offer our gifts (incense) to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Orthodox worship is both spiritual and earthly, and it helps the faithful transcend the boundaries of time, connecting our existing realities to historical events in the past. Thus, this Bonfire service is very significant and divine. Those who are celebrating this liturgy should comprehend its meaning and depth.

Thank you.


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