40th Friday of The Great Lent The Syriac Orthodox Church places great importance on the Fortieth day of Great Lent, 40th Friday. This day is significant in the church's history and traditions. It marks the memory of Jesus Christ's fasting and praying for forty days, Satan's temptation of him, and Jesus' eventual triumph over temptation and gaining dominion over Satan. According to the biblical account, Jesus spent forty days and forty nights in the wilderness, fasting and praying before beginning his public ministry. During this time, Satan appeared to him and tempted him with various offers, attempting to sway Jesus away from his divine purpose. However, Jesus resisted all temptation and emerged victorious, earning dominion over Satan. This day reminds the faithful of the importance of fasting, prayer, and vigilance in the face of temptation and deception. Satan and his followers continue to twist and misinterpret the Word of God, but through fasting and prayer, b...
Fr Thomas K Poothicote