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The Feast of the Annunciation (Suboro)

  "So the Holy thing which shall be born of the virgin shall be called Holy & the Son of God." (Luke 1:35)

The Feast of the Annunciation (Suboro) 
March 25th

In the Syriac Orthodox Church calendar, the Feast of the Annunciation to Saint Mary (Suboro) is a significant event, and it commemorates the announcement made by the angel Gabriel to Mary, a Jewish girl in Nazareth, that she would conceive a child who would be the Son of God. During this season of Lent, it is celebrated on March 25th (9 months before Christmas). The Church celebrates this Feast twice a year. The other instance happens before the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, during which a few Sundays, which starts two weeks after the Qudosh Etho Sunday, are arranged to commemorate all the important events related to the Incarnation of Christ. Among those Sundays, the third Sunday after Qudosh Etho is assigned for the Annunciation to St Mary.

The Annunciation event, described in the Gospel of Luke, recounts how the angel Gabriel visited Mary and announced to her that she had been chosen to bear a son who would be the Messiah. Mary's response to this announcement is one of the most remarkable moments in the New Testament, reflecting her deep faith in God's plan and willingness to submit to His will. 

Annunciation is significant for several reasons. 

First, it marks the beginning of the Incarnation, a fundamental doctrine in Christian theology. The Incarnation refers to the belief that God became human in the person of Jesus Christ to save humanity from sin and death. The announcement made by the angel Gabriel to Mary that she would bear a son who would be the Son of God is the moment at which this process began. The Annunciation thus represents the beginning of God's plan of salvation and the manifestation of His love for humanity.

Secondly, the Annunciation is significant because it highlights Mary's role in the story of salvation. Mary's willingness to accept God's plan for her life and become the mother of Jesus played a crucial role in fulfilling God's plan of salvation. Mary's submission to God's will reflects the importance of humility and obedience in the Christian faith and the power of faith and trust in God's goodness and love.

Furthermore, the Annunciation is significant because of its theological implications. The Incarnation represents a key moment in Christian theology, as it signifies the moment God became human and entered human history. This event profoundly impacts our understanding of God's nature and His relationship with humanity. It also represents a pivotal moment in the history of salvation, as it marks the beginning of the process through which God reconciles humanity to Himself.

This unique manuscript illumination features inscriptions
 in both Syriac and Greek scripts
Manuscript from the  Church of the Forty Martyrs, Mardin

Suboro is considered one of the most important feasts of the Syriac Orthodox Church, so much so that the Holy Qurbono must be held on this day even if March 25th  happens to fall on a day in the Great Lent, the Passion week or on Good Friday. The Church fathers of the Syriac Orthodox Church have stressed the importance of the Annunciation as a key event in the history of salvation and have celebrated Mary's faith and obedience in accepting God's plan for her life. St. Ephrem the Syrian, a fourth-century theologian and hymnographer, composed many hymns and poems in honour of Mary and the Annunciation, which are still used in the liturgy of the Syriac Orthodox Church today. St. Jacob of Serugh, another important Syriac Church father, also wrote extensively on the Annunciation, emphasising the role of Mary as the handmaid of the Lord and the importance of her obedience and faith.

The initiation of the mysteries of the Incarnation and Redemption begins with the remarkable occurrence of the Annunciation of Divine Conception. The Syriac practice highlights St. Mary's proactive role and inquisitive nature, evident in the scriptures (Luke 1:34), where she questions the angel closely to ascertain he is not Satan disguised as an angel of light. When Mary followed God's Command, the Holy Ghost sanctified her, absolving her of sin (Luke 1:35). Her womb bore the divinity and created a whole human, marking the initiation of the mystery of Divine Incarnation without the seed of a man (Matt 1:18). The Lord's body had his mother's utterly human nature, with an articulate human soul (Luke 23:46), resembling humanity, yet without sin (Heb. 4:15).

St. Mary's perpetual virginity is emphasised, and she gave birth to her son without breaking the seal of virginity (Matt 1:25). Her virginity is symbolised in the Syriac tradition with different names, including The Closed Door, The Sealed Letter, Unploughed Land, Unpruned Vine, Thirsty Land, and Gideon's Fleece.

To celebrate this joyous Feast, the Syriac Orthodox hold various non-dogmatic traditions passed down through generations. These customs include wearing a "Siboro" around the wrist, consisting of a white thread and a red thread wound around each other, representing the unity of Divine nature and human nature in Jesus. The faithful wear this "siboro" from March 25th (the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary) until Qymtho (Easter Sunday), when it is clipped off and burnt.


Another tradition is the preparation of 'Laysho' bread (nine pieces of bread) by the (Virgin) women of the Church, who knead the dough during morning prayers for the Feast. During the prayers, there is a procession around the inside of the Church, and finally, the nine pieces of bread are baked and blessed by the priest for distribution.


In conclusion, the Feast of the Annunciation of Saint Mary is a significant Christian calendar event with immense theological and spiritual significance. It is a time to reflect on the importance of Mary's role in the story of salvation and the beginning of the Incarnation. It also represents a key moment in the history of salvation and has profound implications for our understanding of God's nature and His relationship with humanity. As Christians, we are called to emulate Mary's faith and obedience, recognizing the importance of humility and trust in God's plan for our lives. By celebrating this Feast, we are reminded of God's great love for humanity and the incredible gift of salvation that He has bestowed upon us through His Son, Jesus Christ.


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