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His Holiness Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II

A Divine Choice


His Holiness Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II

God always chooses the right leaders from time to time, amid persecution and crises, to guide and lead the Holy Syriac Orthodox Church. The selection of His Eminence Mor Cyril Aphrem Karim, the then patriarchal vicar of the Eastern United States, Archbishop, as the 123rd Patriarch of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch and all the East was the most amazing divine selection in the contemporary history of the church. 
Like Saint Ignatius Noorono, the predecessor, young Saide Karim the youngest son of Mr Issa Kariam and Mrs Khanema Hanna from the village of Qamishli Syria responded to the divine call and dedicated his life to our Lord and Savior from his early childhood. In 1982, at the age of 18, he began his pilgrimage to  Holy Priesthood. It proves that God often chose people to serve His Holy church in their childhood. 
He began his service to the Holy Church by assisting His Eminence Archbishop Mor Gregorios Yuhanna Ibrahim of Aleppo. In 1984, he enrolled in The Coptic Theological Seminary for his theological studies in Cairo, Egypt. There he devoted his life entirely to the ministry of the Holy Church. 
The very next year, Saide accepted the vows of the monkhood and was ordained as a Shamshone Evangliyoye (deacon) and later a priest with the ecclesiastical name Aphrem. In 1988, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in Divinity. His theological studies enriched him on the road to Sacred Priesthood. 
Raban Aphrem served as a secretary to His Holiness Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I over the next couple of years. During that period, he worked as a lecturer at Saint Ephrem Theological Seminary in Damascus, Syria. Following the divine plan, Raban Aphrem pursued his doctoral studies at St Patrick's College in Maynooth Ireland.
On 28 January 1996, the Holy Spirit called Raban Aphrem to the Communion of the Holy Episcopacy with the ecclesiastical name Mor Cyril Aphrem Karim. As the Archbishop of the Eastern United States Archdiocese for 19 years, he underwent difficult times in his ministry. However, the invisible hand of God who chose Mor Cyril Aphrem favoured him in all his hardships. More than being just Archbishop Cyril Aphrem, he served as an inspiration to the entire Archdiocese.
Being a man of God with wisdom and foresight, he led the Archdiocese to become one of the most promising dioceses of the Syriac Orthodox church. As per the higher divine plans, he was not meant to remain as the Archbishop of the diocese. God's purpose for him was to lead the Holy Syriac Orthodox Church as its supreme head.
After His Holiness Patriarch Ignatius Zaka I Iwas, the long-serving head of the Holy Church, was called to his heavenly abode. The Holy Episcopal Synod of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church assembled and decided to choose a new Patriarch.
On 31 March 2014, in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Episcopal Synod elected Archbishop Mor Cyril Aphrem Karim to be the successor to Saint Peter. On the feast of Christ's Ascension, 29 May 2014, he was consecrated as Patriarch of the Holy Church with the ecclesiastical name Ignatius Aphrem II. 
Since his installation, His Holiness Mor Ignatius Aphrem II worked tirelessly in his commitment to God, the Church, and his people. Like many patriarchs before him, Patriarch Aphrem II is leading the church through difficult times. He called upon Syriac Orthodox Christians around the globe like St. Paul who spread the Gospel during his missionary journeys, offering prayers and words of encouragement.
He endeavours incredibly on his accountabilities such as the Supreme head of the church, an ecumenical leader, a man of mission, and a spiritual Father to his flocks. Through his accomplishments, we affirm with certainty that his election as the Patriarch was a divine plan.
He raised himself to his calling and does full justice to all that he is entitled to do. For sure, with God's grace and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the church will continue to grow under the leadership of God's chosen person, His Holiness Aphrem II. As the Holy Bible says, "In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." (Romans 8:37).
We pray that our Lord and Savior Almighty God continue to shower His blessings and wisdom on our Patriarch, His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II.
We love you, Moran.


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