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Holy Sanctuary (Madbaha)

   Holy Sanctuary (Madbaha)

The Syriac word "Madbaho" connotes the Place of Sacrifice. It is the elevated place where the Holy Thronos (the Altar) is positioned and the Most Holy Place in the liturgical life of a Syrian Christian. 

In the Syriac Orthodox Church (SOC), Holy Madbaha, on the eastern side of the church,  is the symbol of Heaven. The Garden of Eden in the Holy Scriptures is in the East (Genesis 2:8) . The expelled Adam and Eve (Mankind) yearn to attain Paradise and to return to the Light (God) and hence we pray facing eastward and the Second Coming of our Lord is believed to be from the East and the  Church prayerfully awaits His Second Coming hence the Church fathers insists that the Madbaha should be on the eastern side of the church. 

It is from the Jewish tradition that all Apostolic Churches imbibe the holiness of the Place of Sacrifice. For all Churches, Madbaha is the holiest. For the same reason, the eastern Churches, veil the Madbaha with a curtain. It is, again, stipulated that only the Cross, Holy Evangelion, the Chalice & Paten ( Kaasa & Pilaasa) be placed on the Thronos, to protect its sanctity and holiness. 

The Metropolitan/ Bishops consecrate the Thronos and Madbaha using the Holy Mooron (the Holy Chrism). After this Consecration, the Thronos are considered the Throne of God, the Tomb of God, the Table of Life, and the holy Sacrificial Altar. It is because the Madbaha comprises all these symbols, the term 'Beth-kudisha' is also used to signify Madbaha. 

The beginning and end of the liturgical life of a Priest are Madbaha. A Priest is born (ordained) in Madbaha and his last journey to the tomb is also from Madbaha. He kneels before the Thronos in times of his agony and for thanksgiving. He musters courage in times of trials and tribulations in his forward journey of liturgical missions from his beloved Throne of the Lord. 

In the early days of the Church only priests, or those above Sub deacons,  were allowed to enter the Madbaha. Today due to the non-availability of the service of deacons, the laity is specifically designated and ordained as Altar Assistants. (മദ്ബഹ ശുശ്രൂഷകർ).

For the Priests and the Altar Assistants, it is a prerogative and great blessing of their lives to offer their prayers and service on the Holy Thronos which is the image and likeness of heaven on earth. 

But there are certain things that they should remember with awe and fear and they should stand in reverence in the Madbaha. 

"ക്രൂബേന്മാരുടെ തേരതുപോലെ സ്ഥിരമീ-മദ്ബഹാ

സ്വർഗ്ഗത്തിൻ സേനകളുണ്ടതിനെ ചുറ്റിക്കൊണ്ട് "

''Altar is fashioned like the cherubims' chariot

And it is encircled by the heavenly hosts.....''

This is a meaningful song used in the Holy Qurbana, that signifies the holiness and ethereal uniqueness of Madbaha. The awe-inspiring holy Qurbana in which the hosts of angels also partake is singularly holy and unique. This thought should reign supreme in the minds of the priests and the Altar Assistants all the time. 

Another song used in the liturgy of the holy Syrian Church is translated as : 

"Fire is the Sanctuary

Fire surrounds it

O Priests! you stayed before the fire

Beware not to be consumed!"

This song not only proclaims the magnificent splendour of Madbaha but also reminds the celebrants and the Altar Assistants of the awesome presence of the Lord and Heavenly Hosts. 

"Salvific holy Thronos!  Peace be with you! I'm uncertain whether I can come to your presence again in my physical body. May my prayers and supplications be acceptable to you and enable me to see you in the heavenly assembly of the Lamb",  With this supplication, every priest kisses the Thronos and takes leave of the Altar after each Holy Mass. This 'Peace Offering ' is a farewell chant.  It shows the emotional relationship that the celebrants have with the Thronos. 

When you meditate on these meaningful prayers, it dawns on us how magnificent and holy the Beth-kudisha and Thronos are on which you tearfully and thankfully present all your hopes, woes, aspirations and dreams. We should be able to approach the Thronos without the blemish of sin in our hearts. 

Those who have offered their prayers and services sincerely, honestly and with purity will never fail in their lives. Let all the Priests and Altar Assistants shelter before the Madbaha like the little sparrows and doves that build their nests as a haven of peace and solace.

Let all the faithful remember them in their prayers.....!


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